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[*] Cloud Engineer [*]

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hi, i'm asyraf!

Currently a Cloud Engineer, Exploring DevOps world!

8 years of experiences in System Administration, Linux Administration, Network Administration & System Engineering.

Works with combination of Open Source and Entreprise Softwares, used to Provision, Maintain, & Monitor Infrastructures.

Welcome to my world, where every challenge is an opportunity for excellence.


2023/04 - Present \\ Cloud Engineer

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) Sdn Bhd

  • Cloud Service Provider - AWS/Alibaba/Azure
  • Involve in Network Re-architecture Project
    • provisioning the new network design.
    • automated network design ping test via bash script.
    • application testing on new network environment.
    • migration cutover to new networking environment.
  • Implement CheckMK Monitoring System to monitor resource usage of workloads.
  • DR Project: Proof Of Concept, in finding DR solution (Tools). Project completed with DR Tools deployed and utilized during quaterly DR Activity.

2022/09 - 2023/02 \\ Service Delivery Consultant

Symfono Technologies Sdn Bhd

  • Daily health check of hardware, server’s resources usage, and network devices.
  • Monitoring and maintaining Clustered VMware Infrastructure.
  • Manage Checkpoint Firewall with IP-SEC VPN to DR Site.

2021/06 - 2022/09 \\ Senior System Engineer

Allo Technology Sdn Bhd

  • Plan and migrate servers from multiple Datacentre to single infrastructure.
  • Maintain Fortigate Firewall as servers gateway.
  • Deploy and configure DNS Server(Nameserver) utilizing BIND.
  • Deploy and configure DHCP Server(Allo's Broadband Customer) utilizing ISC DHCP.
  • Deploy Open-source SIEM Tool. (Wazuh).

2019/02 - 2021/06 \\ Senior Technical Support Engineer

Titan System Integration Sdn Bhd

  • Supporting and managing private cloud customers (VMware).
  • Managing datacentre operation and infrastructure (CJ1 Cyberjaya).
  • Onsite System Engineer for projects.
    • Hotel Network and Servers Infrastucture.
    • Golf club Nework and Infrastructure Upgrade.
    • Support and maintain existing projects (Networking and Infrastructure).
    • Inlcudes managing backup tape and leading disaster recovery activity.

2016/09 - 2019/02 \\ Senior Technical Support Engineer

IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd

  • Senior Technical Support Engineer \\ 2018/09 - 2019/02
    • Leading internal infrastructure upgrade and growth.
    • Meet with potential customers and advise on best solution for their challenges.
    • Transfer knowledge to other Technical Support Engineers.
    • Perform Research and Development to improve current infrastructure.
  • Technical Support Engineer Level 2 \\ 2017/09 - 2018/09
    • Handling escalated issues from Technical Support Engineer Level 1.
    • Share with Technical Support Engineer Level 1 in tackling escalated issues.
    • Communicate with customer on planning and migration for their system.
    • Starting to involve in internal infrastructure planning for future growth.
  • Technical Support Engineer Level 1 \\ 2016/09-2017/09
    • Managing shared hosting, dedicated hosting, and public cloud customers.
    • Handling customers email issues on server sides.
    • Replying to technical support request on email and calls within allocated response time.
    • Provide incidence reportsincidence reports to affected customers if there is any issue occurs on our infrastructure.
    • Monitoring health of all our hosting infrastructure and liaise to appropriate team for further actions.

2016/04 – 2016/07 \\ Computer Technician

Parade Computer

  • Formatting Customer Laptop.
  • Troubleshoot Home Computer/Laptop issues
  • Apply Hardware/Software fix to customer’s devices



Operating System Monitoring

Virtualization Firewall
IaaC & Configuration Management Cloud Service Provider

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LAMP Script Dumb LAMP Installation Script via Bash [github]
Migration Scripts Basic Bash script used during migration [github]

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Huh, this isn't an official page on this site, why aren't you using the navbar?